I opened my Gmail today to find this subject line:

I was instantly intrigued and opened the email.
Let’s set some context:
- I donate to CURE International regularly.
- I don’t always open their emails.
- Just to get the disclaimer out of the way, yes, I’ve worked with CURE in the past. No, I didn’t have anything to do with writing this email.
So, what made me open this particularly email? For one thing, online quizzes are fun! Plus, there was a challenge presented. How well do I know this organization?
Here’s what I found inside:
How well do you know CURE? Here’s a quiz… with only ONE question.
On the average day, CURE sees how many patients?
a) 10
b) 50
c) 100
d) 1,000
The correct answer is…
CURE sees 1,000 patients each day.
1,000 patients! Think of …
All the kids
All the moms.
All the dads.
All the pain they’ve endured, the rejection they’ve faced.
And we’re welcoming them day after day, offering hope and healing. I just wanted to remind you, because as part of the CURE family, you’re very much a part of this.
Hope and healing – Healing and hope – 1,000 times a day.
I know you’re busy, but please take a moment to let it sink in, what God is allowing us to be part of.
Every single one of these children is precious. Thank you for doing this.
Love in Christ,
ps – you can check out the 2019 annual report now.
How easy to read was that?! The content was engaging. Short, clear sentences made it flow quickly and easily.
The fun element that got my initial attention – the quiz! – connected directly to information about the organization’s impact (read: my donation is making a difference).
Next, it painted a picture of impact and put me right in the middle of it.
Then, a little repetition. Repeating things helps them sink in. Repeating things helps them sink in.
Finally, a thank you, short and sweet.
A postscript with a link closes out the email. There’s no financial ask. In fact, the link provided—the latest annual report—is something I’m inclined to check out, since I’m a donor.
That’s it: an engaging email, easily read, that reminds me why I support this organization in the first place. It piqued my interest, keeping the organization in a positive light and putting my own donations in a positive spot in my mind.
So, how can you write an engaging nurture email for your organization?
Keep these things in mind:
- It’s ok—good, even—to be fun!
- Stay readable—keep sentences on the short side.
- Put your supporters in the middle of the action.
Oh, and it’s ok to repeat things that are important!